What Mac Should You Buy?

The all-new M2 Macbook Air.

Mac Buying Guide • Fall 2022

Around this time of year, I usually get a lot of calls and texts with that very question - “What Mac should I buy?”

It’s gotten a little more confusing as of late because of the range of Apple’s new M1 (and now M2) chips and the variety of machines you can buy now. That’s good, but it makes it more confusing for the non-nerd. So being a nerd, I’m here to help.

First off, do not buy the old-style 13-inch Macbook Pro, still with the TouchBar. Yes, it has an M2 and active cooling, but you can get so much more for less. No one should buy this computer in my opinion.

Again, these all all my opinions, but I talk to lots of people, young and old, every year and advise them on buying new computers or iPads.

If you are a student, in high school or especially college, most students (about 90% of you) should be able to get by with the brand-new M2 MacBook Air. This laptop has a new slim design, new colors, and is powerful enough for almost every task you can throw at it. If you’re not a design student using Photoshop and InDesign and Final Cut Pro and other intensive applications, you should be good with the baseline M2 MacBook Air. You always want to get as much RAM and storage as you can afford (you will see that theme in this article), but 99% of you should be able to get by with 16GB and 1TB of storage. The only problem with the M2 Air is that it’s brand new and you might not get one until September.

If you are a design/film student, meaning you will be using applications like Photoshop and Final Cut Pro on the regular, you should be able to get by with the M2 MacBook Air. But if you are editing 4K or 8K video, working with huge layout or photo files, you’ll need to at least bump up to the 14-inch MacBook Pro with an M1 Pro chip. The M1 Pro chip puts you on a whole other level with these applications and workflows. Your render and export times will be cut in half, your computer will stay much cooler because the MacBook Pro has active cooling (meaning: a fan) where the M2 Air does not. I do a lot of video editing and compression and design work, and I have the base-model M1 Pro MacBook Pro. It’s been wonderful so far, and fast enough for all my workflows.

If you’re a business professional, and you work in an industry such as networking, IT, ministry or youth ministry, accounting, teaching, marketing, or any categories like that, you can probably make it just fine with a 14- or 16-inch MacBook Pro with M1 Pro chip. If the MB Pro is out of your price range, get a mid-range M2 MacBook Air. It will still do what you need for less price, albeit a little slower.

If you are a design professional, the least you would need in my opinion is the MacBook Pro with M1 Pro chip. But you might want to upgrade to the M1 Max chip. The power you get from the Max chip is unreal. It can carve through 8K video and huge Photoshop files like butter. And if you don’t need something portable because you’re always working at your desk, seriously consider a Mac Studio with M1 Max, or if you have the budget and need the power an M1 Ultra. My nerd side wants all the power all the time, and I’ve been tempted by the Mac Studio, but I need something portable. If you’re a design pro and want a great big 4K or 5K screen and a lot of power, give a serious look to the Mac Studio with M1 Max or Ultra. Most can get by with the M1 Max unless you are rendering 2-hour 8K videos or something.

If you don’t fall into any of the categories I’ve named off so far, you need not consider yourself a power user. That’s okay! That means you get to spend less money and frankly, you have more choice. If you want a nice 4K screen with a slim profile, you like colors, and you don’t need a laptop for portability, get the M1 iMac. It’s an all-in-one desktop that’s perfect for Youtube-watching, photo editing, and web surfing. You can edit HD and 4K videos and big photos on it too if you want. Plus it’s available in many colors.

When buying a computer, here’s a few things you shouldn’t do:

  • Don’’t buy the cheapest model you can. Always look to get a mid-range model. Don’t know what I mean by that? I mean don’t get the smallest storage and smallest bit of RAM (also called Memory). At least get something mid-range, because it’s likely you can’t upgrade these machines. At the very least, upgrade the storage (also called SSD or Hard Drive). The lowest storage option is usually the slowest storage - and yes, slow drive speeds can slow down your computer after a while.
  • Don’t buy direct from Apple unless you want something that’s just come out. Amazon and Best Buy are always running sales on year-old devices and computers. Again, if it’s been out for more than six months, you’ll probably be able to find a deal on it, and Apple’s same warranty applies no matter who you buy it from.

I hope this guide has been helpful! If you have additional questions, you can find me on Twitter or email me directly.

On Handwritten vs. Digital Notes

Bible, Bellboy Sleeve with Field Notes notebook, and iPad mini 6 with  Pencil.

I have been a note-taker since college. Before then, I have no idea how I got by without taking notes. Up until recently, all of my note taking has been analog, in notebooks or on paper. I still keep a Field Notes notebook on random things that I fill up about once every quarter (I’m an Education Minister, so I live in quarters). But for my Sunday and organized note taking, I’m wondering which direction I need to go.

I have three primary purposes for my note taking: 1) To pay attention better and retain more ideas and information, 2) to be able to look back on those notes and use or interpret them correctly, and 3) to pass these notes to my boys when I’m gone. I’m not sure which direction to go.

Let’s start with digital note-taking. I have been using my 2018 iPad Pro with a second-gen Apple Pencil (the matte white shorter one, not the shiny white longer one). I used GoodNotes at the beginning, but I have since switched to Notability. I don’t like Notability’s icon, but I do like the tools and writing a bit more. I have a Paperlike screen protector on it that really does make writing with the Apple Pencil a lot better. I initially used the iPad Pro 2018 up until the new iPad Mini 6 came out. I found that I flip flop back a forth a bit, but for the most part, the iPad Mini with a Paperlike is a very good Field Notes-style experience with the smaller screen.

I like the experience of digital notes, both typed and handwritten, but as with all types of digital files, I worry about preservation. Backups aren’t usually a problem, but if I want to pass on these notes, where would someone go to get them? And where would notes inside of Notability live if not transferred or backed up to other storage? I worry that my note would no longer be accessible after I’m gone, and that’s the one thing that really pushes me to analog note taking.

For analog notes, I have almost always used Field Notes notebooks in my Bellroy sleeve. I usually always have it with me, but when I don’t, I seem to always need it. One of the biggest advantages with digital notes is that you can probably always have it with you, because whatever app you use, you can back up to the cloud. And since you’ll probably always have your phone with you, you wouldn’t have to worry about that.

A few people have remarked that the Field Notes notebooks are small. They really are. But I write very small, and I scan every notebook with a flatbed scanner, essentially making them digital and (mostly) searchable in Microsoft OneNote, which has powerful OCR (Optical Character Recognition). So in a sense, I have the best of both worlds. But I usually don’t scan a notebook until I’m done with it, so if I ever need the physical book and don’t have it, I’m up the creek.

But the biggest factor by far is that I can put these notebooks on a shelf when I’m done with them. Then my sons (and grandsons hopefully) will be able to pour over my thoughts in written form.

If you’re wondering what kind of pens I use - I use the Uniball Ultra Micro - extremely fine point pens that are really wonderful for tiny writing like mine.

The debate will rage on for me, more than likely. I am a big fan of putting pen to paper, and I will likely continue that for a long time. Digital note taking will be a convenience for me when I don’t have my physical notebook.

Chad LandmanComment
How Making a YouTube Video Helped Me Cope with My Father's Death

Last month, I made a YouTube video on my channel about my Dad’s Every Day Carry (EDC). I thought this was perfect since I was trying to deal with his passing in a positive way and that’s what I talk about on my channel anyways. I don’t spend a lot of time on the videos, I don't make any money off of them, and I don’t mind if they’re just something I do because I enjoy them.

But something happened that was unexpected. After posting the video, I checked the comments once or twice and responded to some but never went back to the video until about three weeks later.

I got a notification on my phone that someone had commented on the video, which wasn’t shocking, but when I saw the view count on the video, it almost knocked me over. Over 27,000 views. The video had taken off.

Again I was surprised at what happened next. Normally I’d say that YouTube comments are one of the darkest places on the web, and I generally try to stay away from them, especially with videos about politics or controversy. What I saw was over 120 comments on my video (more than any other thing I’d ever posted) that were filled with heartwarming sympathies and tributes to my dad and some of the tools he carried. People from all walks of life and all ages. People that had lost their dads as well, some to Covid even.

Going through my dad’s things and posting the video had been therapeutic enough - but the extra added bonus of so many sympathies and encouragement from an unlikely place (YouTube comments of all places) has helped me realize that there are people that care out there, and that there are people who can be kind.

My church family and physical family has been an incredible help and encouragement since my dad passed on January 4. What I didn’t expect, though, was a similar kind of encouragement from strangers on the internet. It’s good to see that we haven’t lost all of our humanity and that kindness is still alive and well.

I'm Loving the Vivaldi Browser
My Vivaldi tab bar.

My Vivaldi tab bar.

I have a love/hate relationship with Safari on the Mac. I absolutely refuse to use Chrome for a number of reasons (data privacy, battery consumption, etc.). But I love Chrome's simple design and extensions. Firefox is fast and light, but I don't like the design. Opera is cool, Opera GX is even cooler. Brave is also neat but again, I didn't like its design.

A few weeks ago I came across this video by the YouTube channel A Better Computer where he talked about the Vivaldi browswer. And ever since downloading and trying it, I've been really happy with it.

Vivaldi is (to the best of my knowledge) built on Chromium, the same as Google Chrome. You can even run web extenstions from the Chrome Store, which is sweet. 1Password is the extension I use the most, and it works great most of the time.

What I really like about Vivaldi is the way that you can make it look the way you want. You can style any color. You can give your tabs that rounded look like Chrome (something I was really looking for, honestly - don't know why it's so important to me).

Vivaldi has seemed fast and light, like a browser should be. Every site I've tried has worked so far, unlike Safari (really, Apple? After all this time?).

There are a lot of browsers to choose from, and you're probably set on the one you use, but if you're frustrated every other day with your current browser, download Vivaldi and give it a try.

An Education Minister Goes to a Preacher's Conference

As an Education Minister now for going on 7 years, I haven't yet been able to find a good conference just for ministers who serve in Education roles. I have to go to different conferences specifically for preachers and youth ministers and apply those things to my teaching every week. I'm finally back to teaching an adult class every week, and I also work with the kids here at Graymere on the other side of the spectrum.

I went in to Better: Southeast knowing that I would need to filter some things for myself. Some things that were directed at preaching every week would need to be applied to me teaching every week. And it was a valuable exercise. While I do not have the rigor of preaching every Sunday, and the things that go along with being a preacher every Sunday, I am a teacher every Sunday and minister to the people in this congregation.

Suffice to say, it was a great experience to be at Better, both from the fellowship standpoint but also from the practical standpoint. I was able to take away quite a bit not just about preaching and teaching, but ministry as a whole.

Dale and Jeff Jenkins were able to line up some very adept speakers for this conference, and the content was dynamic. Here's just a few notes from a selection of the speakers. Not a comprehensive list of the entire conference, but here's what I found helpful as an Education Minister.

Jeff Jenkins opened with ten things we should do to plan our preaching. Jeff said that he has a yearly plan of what he's going to preach every calendar year, planned out for twelve months. My takeaway: As a class teacher and minister on staff, I have flexibility where some others would not. I came away from this talk inspired to plan a 12-month "Personal Teaching Calendar." I have never had difficulty in finding things to teach, only picking what I should teach next. This will help me be better organized and plan for 2022 - something I haven't been able, like so many others, to plan in a couple of years.

Doug Burleson talked about Being an Effective Textual Preacher, which may have been the most informative and practical session of the entire conference for me personally. My takeaway: It translated well to a full-time Bible teacher, and it further reinforced my recent thinking on not just being better prepared when I teach, but being accurate and representing the text better when I teach. Meaning does not change in Scripture, but application will vary.

Dr. Bruce McClarty, former president at Harding University, taught us on remaining true to the Word of God. I have heard Dr. McClarty very few times, but this lesson did not disappoint. My takeaway: A quote from Bruce said it best:

"We won't be perfect, but we must be genuine. We need to share a piece of our God-touched soul every week."

Chuck Monan was a treat to hear. I had never heard him speak before, and he spoke to us about Preacher Failings. He had six simple things that he illustrated wonderfully and sometimes humorously: 1) Don't bore people to distraction, 2) Don't wear people out with Greek, 3) Don't mangle pronunciations, 4) Don't be hypocritical, 5) Don't neglect doctrine, and 6) Don't be afraid. I found it entertaining as it was powerful and practical to hear.

Lastly, Craig Evans talked about starting a new work. Craig has started several new works in his ministry career, most notably his last at Mt. Juliet Church of Christ here in Tennessee. But Craig quickly moved from the topic to a more broad discussion of things that every minister should do (in my opinion), when starting a new work or even ones established in ministries. He said a lot, but here's a mostly complete list:

  • Before you start, do your research!!
  • Call the previous minister! (25+ years)
  • Try out sermon: preach like YOU
  • Get WRITTEN EXPECTATIONS - job desc, financial, time off, etc.
  • Am I going to be a hireling or one of the sheep?
  • "If you don't heal what hurt you, you'll bleed on people who didn't cut you"

  • First, work on your relationship with God

  • Make WISDOM your constant prayer request
  • Spend time with people - from the smallest child to the oldest member
  • Ask: what is our vision? (Elders, Deacons, Staff)
  • Spending time with leadership/staff outside of meetings
  • Let people know you care: hospitals and funerals
  • Listen more than you talk
  • Pray for people when you listen (How can I pray for you this week?)
  • Pray for people in their presence
  • Our job is to be focused on souls
  • "Connection before correction" - friends speak in love
  • Be slow to make changes at a new work (wrecking ball, not a builder)
  • You cannot be a minister at two churches at the same time
  • Focus on your family
  • Set healthy boundaries (hours worked)
  • Get physically healthy (shows self-discipline)
  • Ask: Am I missing something? (Find someone to help you, a mentor)
  • You need a core group of friends
  • Pace yourself as you start (one new sermon a week, one old sermon per week)
  • Help people to love God's Word more
  • Don't know what to preach? Preach about Jesus! (Sermon on the Mount)

Overall, I was refreshed and renewed coming away from Better. If I could say one thing, it would be to encourage every minister in every role (pulpit, education, youth, etc.) to find a conference like this to attend. Personally, I needed this. I needed to be a part of a conference I didn't have to help plan (we have two here at Graymere I help plan), and I needed some energy back in my batteries, so to speak.

Many thanks to Jeff and Dale Jenkins for their hard work putting this on, and for Heritage Christian in Florence for hosting.