Form The Future
Like it or not, the future is up to us. And I don't mean the future of America. I mean the future of the Kingdom.
It depends on us. So many of us would be content to sit back and let someone else make the stand and let someone else do the work. That can't happen. Christ's church will always have a future, but it will be in our hands. It depends on good men and women to work in the kingdom.
It depends on our willingness to serve. How far will you go to serve your fellow man? Will you step out in faith or sit tightly by yourself, hoping that no one asks you to help?
It depends on our homes. If there is anything that parenting is teaching me, it's that Satan's battle for this world starts in our homes. Our core teaching for the future of the church isn't neccessarily in church. It's right at home.
Hold Christ's truth above all other truths.
Have the attitude of Christ Jesus in all things, and show that to your children.
Serve others sacrificially from a true heart.
This is where forming our future starts. Not from some man or woman sitting the Oval Office. But in our homes. In our children's hearts.
Stop trusting in men and women to lead you and look to God and His Word. Start forming the future for the kingdom, not just a nation.